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Hurray! welcome to your new online academy! We've included some sample content for you to play as a student would. You can also access the admin panel from the menu (Manage academy).

Note: Your account details has been sent to your registerd email.

eVidyalay is one more sincere attempt to drive the change in the way of learning so that the learning becomes simple, more users friendly and interesting. As we all move in the new era of “e”, where internet is the key enabler for majority of the day to day things, right from shopping, communicating, tickets, so on and so forth. This has initiated a change in the way of learning as well.

eVidyalay is an online video library of Mathematics, Vedic Maths and Early learning Gujarati. The video library is under continuous development taking into consideration your feedbacks. eVidyalay’s vision is to make education accessible to all children, which is repeatable as well as independent of time and location. Children should be able to learn anytime, anywhere at their own pace.

eVidyalay also hosts 3 interesting features. 1. ‘JIVAN CHARITRA (Biography)’, a collection of inspiring stories of Legendary lives. This will help build value system and overall development of children, 2. ‘Hobby Lobby’, to ignite Creativity, an essential skill for effective learning. 3) ‘Mahiti Mitra’, to give friendly educational information.

evidyalay has got acceptance from YouTube EDU(The Global Classroom).
